Tuesday 30 October 2007

Hello Again

Well I'm back doing this again it seems. Why? Well anyone who regularly uses the internet will have invariably at some point experienced that mind numbing boredness. When you have nothing to look for, nothing to search for and you find yourself subconsciously browsing through the same pages over and over and over and over. Untill you realise how bored you are and enter a state of near comatose.

Ok, I'm overdoing it, but you know what I mean right? Well I experience that too often so I want to spend some time in writing, because I love to write. It's very theraputic and quite fun really. Noone is really going to find any interest in this, but I will, in the future, which is all that counts I think. If anyone else does find interest in it, great, but no big deal.

A lot has changed since my first attempt at regularly keeping a blog, oh yes. For one all my hair is gone, but that's nothing. For I have quit one of my biggest hobbies wrestling and then found myself being allured into coming back every now and again. Oh and that little thing where I loved and lost...yet came out of it, I think, with a really good friend. So ups and downs, swings and roundabouts...every cloud, eh?

I have a lot of things I want to write about, so I will add them regularly, just my views on things that I'd like to record for future reference, because I like to reflect.



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