Well it seems I only ever make a post on this blog once every 6 months or so. Not necessarily a bad thing, and I'm terrible at remaining consistent in pretty much everything so I doubt it'll change. Anyway, a topic for this here blog, in the forth month of 2008. Well a couple of weeks ago I went to the NWW interfed, NWW being a wrestling federation in Blaina, about an hour away from me. Since my last blog I haven't wrestled much, after the match with Mike at NAW, I stayed inactive for a few months, returning to NAW in January against old opponent Short Round in a short match. Once again I got a little messed up, after getting bust open to hard way from a DDT...that has to be a first. After the match, as apart of our storyline/fued, we fought into the carpark and I ran him over in his own car.

Yet, that was the last we saw of Short Round as he pulled out of our payoff match in March, I don't think he was really into wrestling anymore, which is a shame, but I wouldn't have wanted to do the match if he wasn't into it. It's also a bit of a shame that I probably won't see the guy again, one of the nicest people I've ever met through backyard. WCWe, my hometown fed in Penarth did a one-off show a few weeks ago which was a lot of fun and I had a cool match with Probert from Blaina. I'm kinda getting back into the wrestling thing, but I'm not as into it as I used to be for obvious reasons. Annnyway, the NWW interfed. Well the purpose of an interfed is to bring all different wrestlers from different feds together for a one-off show featuring lots of different people. Gav went ahead and booked loads of big matchs for the interfed, yet by the time it rolled around, hardly anyone was coming, not even guys from Penarth.
The only real non-NWW people there were myself and Farrell. On the Thursday after waiting around for such a stupidly long time, I met up with Denzel who I was going to be wrestling on the first day. We arrived at the arena at last and only found a few people there, yet, for once the weather was nice! Not much was going on really people were just pissing about, a few matchs happened but nothing special. Everyone was picking on Fat Eddie again, who I rip mercilessly. I don't go to the extremes of physically bullying him though as others like to indulge in :p The reason I insult him so harshly all the time is because he once called me a cunt for no reason, so that's my cue to give him a lifetime's worth of 'alright fatboy?'

In reality though, it's all in jest, and he does get really riled up by the others when it becomes endless. I find him quite funny though, unlike most. In the evening, we met up with Farrell as he arrived in Wales. Myself, Hitch and Farrell went back to Hitch's house where we were both staying first. Then after a while browsing around on the Hitch's computer, we got a lift to the Bridgend Inn for a meal. The prices were quite silly and the only thing I wanted, they didn't have, so I just ordered chips. It was a fun night though for the most part, as ripping of Eddie continued once again, not forgetting the legends at the bar. Me and Steve were cracking up over the old barman who was laughing at all our lame jokes, and I put him on the spot when I bought my Pepsi giving him a wink and saying 'so how watered down is this exactly?'
But the written word cannot do his random laughs justice. There was a younger barman too, who was the spit of the older one and I asked Farrell if I'd just walked back in time. Denzel was entertaining as ever, playing us about 50 different TV themes from his phone. He then had a hilarious conversation with Brian, an oldie sitting by the bar.
Brian - 'Where are you from then, son?'
Denzel - 'Dublin'
Brian -'Dublin! I've had many a good time in Dublin.'
Denzel - 'Yeah...me too.'
Brian - 'Not before me you haven't!'
Then the night took a shitty turn as we walked to the taxi rank that didn't exist. I was getting really pissed off as it was just a patch of concrete, and we were standing in a ghost town at 11pm, in the pissing rain and cold. Apparently the Valleys don't do taxis that you can actually get ahold of or unless you book a day in advance. I was in a foul mood and eventually Hitch phoned his Dad to give us a lift back. This was about 1am. Not a happy chap.
Denzel - 'Dublin'
Brian -'Dublin! I've had many a good time in Dublin.'
Denzel - 'Yeah...me too.'
Brian - 'Not before me you haven't!'
Then the night took a shitty turn as we walked to the taxi rank that didn't exist. I was getting really pissed off as it was just a patch of concrete, and we were standing in a ghost town at 11pm, in the pissing rain and cold. Apparently the Valleys don't do taxis that you can actually get ahold of or unless you book a day in advance. I was in a foul mood and eventually Hitch phoned his Dad to give us a lift back. This was about 1am. Not a happy chap.
When we got back, Hitch started to watch RAW and was falling asleep, me and Steve were cracking up. Especially when Finlay came out on RAW and Hitch woke up for about 3 seconds with a grin on his face, muttering 'yesss...' The next morning I played a little Guitar Hero on Hitch's Wii as he rang up a hall in Abertillery for the day 2 show, seen as it was pissing down. So we went down to the hall and it was a pretty cool setup in this small dance studio. We had a few hours so pissed around for a while, I kept wrestling Eddie and taking him down with armbars, he was getting too into though and would randomly hit me, so I stretched him a little bit:p Farrell did an interview segment with him and tried to bring back the Arbuckle Jr. joke I started the night before at the Bridgend Inn but noone seemed to get it haha.

Hitch asked me for a match during the show but I was hesitant. For one he hadn't wrestled since breaking his leg and I just wasn't up for a really physical match that day. So he ended up facing Gav and Adam in a cool 3 way match. Steve then ended the show in a nice match against Randy Orton...I mean Josh Bell. A few girls were there and Emily told me that she had finally found out what ambiguous meant...good for her lol. That night we went out to a pub which was pretty shit in my opinion, loud kareoke, characters that seriously wouldn't look out of place in Star Trek, no humour intended, and of course the fat slags, one of which kept telling Steve 'I'd fuck you!'
At one stage I proper zoned out and felt really depressed for no reason at all, it was pretty weird. I went down the road for some food and cleared my head, and was fine. Everyone was hammered, Hitch really came out of his shell, proper roaring at everything. He tried to offer Steve a triple vodka and lemonade hahaha, he shouldn't have bothered. I attempted to get drunk seen as everyone else was, but I just wasn't feeling it that night. After what felt like a day, we left and stopped by the kebab place, and Dave was completely recked. He had his white hood up and Prob was getting really hot under the collar! 'Come on Dave, get it off..' he kept muttering and pulling the hood down. Dave then started mouthing off to the people working there and nearly got into a fight. We left at about 1 and now this time, it was Dave and Gav stuck in Blaina. So we stood around pointlessly again for ages untill they decided they were just going to have to walk.
The next morning I planned on leaving with Farrell but he was leaving so early I just couldn't be bothered, so he left and I went back to sleep, having funny dreams, as usual. I left Hitch's at about 12 to get the bus home, there was an event planned that Saturday aswell, but it was pissing down still. Scott Smith was coming and when I woke up I said to Hitch 'what's happening?' and he replied 'well...Scott Smith phoned about an hour ago...I have no idea what he said.' After a few hours on the bus I made it back home and went to look after my Uncle's flat/dog. All in all, it was a fun couple of days, but the nights had some annoying points. It was quite a laugh for the most part anyway, but not much of an interfed in the end:p
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